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Austin Crawford Bio
Austin Crawford Movie Posters
Fighting MSA: Austin Crawford's Story film Poster.
Driven to Help documentary film poster about Austin Hira Crawford Jr.
Patient Advocate of the Year

The MSA Coalition Patient Advocate Award is rewarded annually at the Multiple System Atrophy Annual Patient and Family Conference since 2022. It recognizes a current MSA patient who champions the awareness, needs, and overall impact of multiple system atrophy.

Austin Crawford, of Watseka, IL, has been named the 2022 recipient of The MSA Coalition’s Patient Advocate Award. He has dedicated many years advocating for The MSA Coalition and the MSA community.

He was initially diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, like many MSA patients, in 2012 and later rediagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy in 2017.

Before his diagnosis and early in his career, Austin spent many years volunteering as a Firefighter/EMT-I and an Auxiliary Police Officer. He also was an avid motorcycle rider, even making the 75th Anniversary of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in 2015 and appearing in Quick Throttle magazine.

His interest in motorcycles and cars sparked the theme of a recent documentary staring Crawford, Driven to Help (2022). He also is featured in a second documentary Fighting MSA Austin Crawford’s Story (2020). Both films have given MSA a boost in awareness and has provided comfort and resources to many patients in the community.

Austin has been a volunteer with the Multiple System Atrophy Coalition since 2018 serving on the General Advisory Council. His efforts in spreading awareness of MSA through award-winning documentaries, television appearances, social media presence, and more will be a long-lasting legacy that will continue to serve the Coalition and MSA patients and families for years to come.

Visit to learn more about Austin and his advocacy work.


I'm now on Cameo and if you would like a Hello or to wish someone a Happy Birthday, to even a Pep Talk you can count on me. Just follow the link.

Austin Crawford Cameo


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Simple Neon Stand Up Comedy Show Youtube Thumbnail_20241130_003924_0000.png
Interview on WVLI Radio
Layin' in This Bed.png
Layin' in This Bed

Layin' in This Bed

Layin' in This Bed is a song I wrote. From being a Volunteer Firefighter and EMT then being

diagnosed with MSA or Multiple System Atrophy and the disease leaving you bed bound.

Layin' in This BedAustin Crawford
00:00 / 04:00
FightingMSA Youtube

My YouTube channel FightingMSA is a place where I share my personal journey as I fight Multiple System Atrophy. I am passionate about empowering and inspiring my viewers to take on life’s challenges with courage and confidence.

I post weekly videos featuring tips and advice on living with a chronic illness, as well as interviews with inspiring people. I believe that by sharing my story, I can help more people understand this condition and build a community of support. So join me on this journey and let’s fight this disease together.

Instagram Austin Crawford MSA

Welcome to Austin_Crawford_MSA, my personal Instagram account. My Instagram account features a mix of content, from my professional life to my personal life living with MSA.

I'm passionate about helping individuals from all walks of life to grow personally and professionally. I share stories, advice, and tips to motivate and inspire others to reach their goals. I'm also open to forming new friendships with people from all over the world. So, if you're up for it, come along and join me on my journey

FightingMSA Tiktok


At FightingMSA we strive to spread awareness about multiple system atrophy (MSA) and support those affected by it. We use the power of TikTok to make fun content that’s full of laughter and encourages everyone to make friends and have a good time.

The content we make is light-hearted and easy to relate to, while still bringing attention to a cause that needs more attention. We invite you to join us on this journey and help us spread awareness and make a difference.


Spotify Music Profile


Apple Music Profile

Apple Music logo
Spotify Profile
Apple Music Profile
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Deezer Music Profile

Deezer Music Profile

News Video Coverage

Speech during the MSA Music Benefit

speech during msa music benefit

I am so proud to have started a small charity with the help of some major sponsors that has allowed me to make a difference in the lives of others. The custom trike that was built for me was donated to a local veteran. In turn, this veteran gave me a 1970 Dodge Dart to do something with. After months of hard work and dedication, the "Beast" was born.

This project has allowed me to explore the power of giving back and the impact it can have on those around us. I'm passionate about using my resources to help those who need it the most. I'm excited to continue to evolve this project and make a real difference in the world.

Popcorn for Parkinson;s Disease Interview

Video News Articles

Videos over the years raising awareness of Multiple System Atrophy.

WCIA Channel 3 News
MSA Coalition Charity Benefit
Popcorn for Parkinson Disease Interview
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